Daily Life Navel gazing

Bite-sized moments

I used to think like many people that great things mainly happen in hyperbolic chunks.  Grandiose and epic.  It may be true for a very small sliver of the population, but for the rest of us it isn’t that way.  No.  For most of us, it’s gradual changes that comes unnoticed until their effects are compounded as time plods along.  Then one day, you realize its effects and how profoundly it changed your life.  If…

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Daily Life Navel gazing

Being positive requires work

I often hear that one should always be positive.  It helps one move through life more easily.  Honestly, I’m not so sure that’s always good advice.  It’s a rare subset of people who can maintain that mindset truly.  I can’t speak for everyone else, but positivity is very tiring.  It requires constant vigilance.  It assumes the best case scenario or what I call the optimists mindset.  In this time of my life, I’m leaning every…

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Daily Life Navel gazing

Omniscience by proxy

Attaining a level of skill and competency in a technical sometimes leads a person to falsely believe he is skilled and competent in all other matters.  It’s something I’ve observed in myself and others of my peers, and it can seriously ruin a person’s credibility.  I’ve had moments where it’s diverted me away from my ideals.  It becomes more a matter of ego and less of what is true and beneficial of everyone. It’s ever-present…

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