Daily Life Navel gazing

You’re old when . . .

At the the post office today I saw identical twin toddlers that were in that irritable hyper state any parent who who’s reading this will understand. There was a time when I would’ve been annoyed by this. I would have been inwardly critical of parents who didn’t have a tight rein on their kid(s). Having now experienced parenthood, I now realize that this is an unrealistic expectation. Kids are not adults as my wife reminds…

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Daily Life Navel gazing Sociology

Too close to home

I read a tech website that has links to a sister website devoted to news solely about celebrities. This website feed people’s vanity and sense of self worth by dishing on the celebrity foibles. Apparently, it is is not beneath me to slum and click on the links. I am ashamed to admit this. Today, I came across an article that describes some celebrity behavior described as ungrateful.  I can  say that I have been…

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Daily Life Economics Job

Essential contemporary skill

If you’re like me and spend a large portion of your day using a computer (technology in general) as a tool to earn your bread, you’re among the people whose number are growing yearly. Our economy is depending more on people who work smarter and less who work harder. They call it the knowledge economy and whether you agree with it or not, it is here to stay. I was semi-aware of this, but I…

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Daily Life

Memory is strange

The thing we thought we remember isn’t always the case. I read a book as a teenager (fiction) that changed how I perceived the world and the possibilities it held. Recently, I re-read the book and while it still holds up, there were whole sections (latter parts) that I completely forgot. Or maybe my younger self was too impatient and skipped areas deemed too boring. Bottom line? Check the foundations of your perception occasionally. It…

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Daily Life Navel gazing

Bite-sized moments

I used to think like many people that great things mainly happen in hyperbolic chunks.  Grandiose and epic.  It may be true for a very small sliver of the population, but for the rest of us it isn’t that way.  No.  For most of us, it’s gradual changes that comes unnoticed until their effects are compounded as time plods along.  Then one day, you realize its effects and how profoundly it changed your life.  If…

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