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The Most Precious Commodity

In economics everything is boiled down to a commodity. When there’s great demand and/or limited supply, prices go up. When there’s little demand and/or a glut prices go down. There’s one “commodity” where the supply and demand is less flexible – time. We all have exactly what we have and nothing will buy us individually more time.

This is my roundabout way of explaining why I haven’t had the opportunity to write for this website in quite some time. Like some of you out there, I’ve always valued my time. I knew it was precious and limited. It wasn’t until I became a husband and a father that I truly understood how precious and limited it is. What I’ve stated is my observation and not an indictment of domestic life.

As an example, I only have to look at my son. It’s almost been 4 years since he was born and in the race to keep him healthy and happy, I forget to enjoy the moments that rarely ever comes around again. It wasn’t until I watched some old videos of him as a baby that I understood how precious those seemingly minor moments are.

It’s very difficult to keep myself fully aware at all times of everything I’ve just stated. I find that I have to occasionally step aside from the normal flow of life and look backwards. I pull out something of the past. It could be a memory, a trinket or a recording. I just let the memories of the moment wash over me without judgement or bias. And I feel that moment as if it just happened.

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