Daily Life Family

Mid Year 2014

So, it’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything. It’s not been for lack of trying, but life with a child can occupy a lot of time. I’m not complaining. Our son is something unique to us. People say he looks a lot like me. I don’t know if they tell me this as a compliment or as a complete surprise. Since his arrival I’ve taken it for granted that he has to have some resemblance to both my wife and me, and so it has never been a surprise to me. It wasn’t until later that I understood what they meant. They’re surprised that there’s not an insignificant resemblance to me from the neck up. I sometimes find my ego satisfied by this fact, but I reproach myself for being so superficial. It’s my hope like many parents that he grows up to be a better person than me in every possible way. I understand my character flaws well enough to hope that my son doesn’t inherit those qualities in me I find lacking. I see the many wonderful qualities my wife has that she shares with our son – generosity, sensitivity and devotion. It’s heartening to know that she’ll be there to help steer him (and me) in a positive direction.

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