It also brings dandelions and a host of other very fast growing weed. I never use to care about weed. Not the kind your smoke, but the kind that grows out in untended fields. Currently as a person who counts a home among his chores, I have to do yardwork. I could pay someone to do it for me, but being the picky and anal person that I am, I want to do it myself. The frightening part of all this is that I find yardwork enjoyable. I told a coworker that it was RELAXING. Recently, I hadn’t had the time to finish the yardwork quickly enough. I’d been doing it piecemeal and was planning to finish the front yard last. Well, it got to the point where my front yard was starting to turn into a jungle, and my neighbors called the city and reported me. I came home to a notice on my front door stating that I had until the 21st of this month to take care of my own lawn. Otherwise, the city would have someone do it for me and charge me. I’m certain the charge would be fairly hefty. I got it done. But now I have a neighbor who’s probably peeved at me. I’m peeved also. As a neighbor, couldn’t you get your ass over to my door and tell me that I’m embarassing the whole neighborhood as oppose to getting the authorities involved? That’s the reason why I’m not in a neighborhood with a homeowners association (HOA). I call them FACISTS! Apparently even neighborhoods without the FACISTS association have city codes regarding high grass on your front lawn. Actually, it’s more weed than grass. Well, I asked for it by owning a house. Can’t blame anyone else.
If you’ve been keeping up with my log, you’re probably fairly surprised by the changes here. There’ll be more now that my schedule is sufficiently free of classwork. I’ll be back-posting my old log entries, for those interested enough to care. I’ll also be able to post more regularly now with the WordPress system. I took the time to test a few others out, but WordPress to me is the simplest among the lot I tested. Before switching over to this system, I had to manually edit HTML code. It was starting to get tedious. I’m as picky as any engineer out there, but there’s a point where expediency takes precedence over personal quirks. This is especially true when one seems to have less and less time during the day. It doesn’t help that I have a yard to take care of and a mountain of work at my day job.
My classwork this past semester was not the best effort I could have put forth. It isn’t my worst, but it might rate low enough to rank among my worst. I think I underestimated how much my job would influence my classwork. I had hoped that by skipping the fall semester last year that the project that I was working on would ease up enough to allow me some free time in spring to take another course. That was not the case. The project became overwhelming very quickly. The only reason I even decided to take a course during the spring semester was related to the project at work. I decided to take the course to better able to do my work and thus benefit the company. I’m so selfless, it makes me sick! That was a joke for the humorless out there. Also for people who don’t have MY sense of humor.